Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, #1)The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book has one of the most immersive story-within-a-story tales I've ever read.

From the beginning, with the love of this mysterious book and its mysteries, I admit I fell right into the novel that has massive tones of Victor Hugo. Later on, it feels like a grand and gloriously tragic soap opera, all its characters from different time periods. The novel becomes a similar epic to the inspiration. That's high praise, considering the Hugo flair. :)

As a reviewer, I could describe the twisty, turny plot and the multiple reveals that turn this into one hell of a dark tale, but it wouldn't do it justice. What I should and will mention is that it is beautifully written, immersive and heartfelt.

It is haunting. And while I often wanted to beat some of the characters over their heads, the shape of the entire tale is too gorgeous to ignore.

It was well worth the read. Quite beautiful.

View all my reviews

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