Saturday, September 3, 2022

Exile (Forgotten Realms: The Dark Elf Trilogy, #2; Legend of Drizzt, #2)Exile by R.A. Salvatore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm in a strange spot while reading and reviewing these Drizzt novels. Getting into them this late into the game is weird because I've already read a number of epic fantasy novels that pull off the morally-conflicted, automatically-evil race, that lives by a new and strict moral code that puts him at odds with his evil family/race.

I know, deep down, that this was one of the first and most popular fantasies (D&D or no) that explored that and it was the heaviest influence on what would come later, but appreciating the fact is not quite the same thing as thinking the text, itself, is the best thing ever.

It's far from bad, mind you. In fact, it's firmly average and still enjoyable for the adventure. The loneliness, the need to invest yourself in making new friends (other races that you wouldn't expect to be into that), and the nastiness of his dark elf family is firmly in the trope category -- but it's still good for all that.

I'm definitely continuing. It's still fun. Gotta subvert the old tropes.

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