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Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Eyes Are the Best PartThe Eyes Are the Best Part by Monika Kim
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Honestly, I've been a fairly big fan of the Korean Revenge Fantasy thing for a while, starting with older movies, then more recently, with wicked reading. I kinda hoped this would meet my craving.

However, it didn't quite come across as good as I'd hoped. The nuance isn't really here. The hate for blue-eyed devils, whether justified or not, just came across as pure revenge fantasy with motives that are either (view spoiler) or (view spoiler).

If that's all we want out of a tale of (view spoiler) then have at it! But after reading Vegetarian and a few other like-minded feminist Korean horrors, I can't say this reaches the top of scale. Perhaps it's because it's a one-way mirror, focused only on justifications for her increasingly erratic behavior.

Of course, as a horror, this is to be expected. But also, as a horror, I do expect somewhat more. If I ignore the part where the novel tired me out and drained me, I could say it's an average horror entry lacking in anything but fantasy-level motivations. If others want to subtext it, they're welcome to it. It is revenge porn--of a type. Feminist revenge porn can be very fun. This one, however? Mileage may vary.

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All's WellAll's Well by Mona Awad
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is my second read of Awad after Bunny and I honestly had no idea what to expect except one thing: engaging writing, maybe a fever dream or two, and wonderfully clear voice.

I definitely got these. But more importantly, I was deeply impressed with the topic it tackled: chronic pain and medical gaslighting. To me, that was a lot more interesting than the whole stage adaptation kerfuffle between the Scottish Play and All's Well That Ends Well. Maybe these two plays worked really well as a tragicomedy in context with the core subject of pain and delusion and witchery and self-medication -- or maybe not.

Either way, it made the novel INTERESTING.

You know, more than anything, it reminded me of The Substance. (Or rather, the other way around, but not in my reading/viewing order.) They really belong in the same category, though, and more power to the readers who want either! :)

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Saturday, October 19, 2024

Impact Winter (Impact Winter #1)Impact Winter by Travis Beacham
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A light popcorn read with a full cast featuring a world of night after a comet hits, when all the vampires come out.

The melodrama, vampire hunting, everything, is obviously dialogue-heavy, thanks to the rather BBC radio-drama-type style.

I had a fun time with it, but with one caveat: I love my descriptions in my books, and this was all fit together as, simply, a radio drama. So, I ask myself, where are the vamp fights? Where's all the blood, not just the implications of blood?

Well, manage your expectations and enjoy the social aspects of vampirism. lol

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Friday, October 18, 2024

Slewfoot: A Tale of BewitcherySlewfoot: A Tale of Bewitchery by Brom
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of the most solid witchery books I've ever read, straddling that fence between realism and historical accuracy (until we get to a very satisfying break from it) and gloriously supernatural witchery.

Basically, it pulls off a great hat-trick. As a horror, it has great timing and build-up, giving us humor in all the right places, and an emotionally satisfying end. Read: bloody.

Of course, these old New England types REALLY had it coming to them. So let's rejoice and praise God! Gods. Whatever. This was some quality stuff, either way.

Happy Spooktober!

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文豪ストレイドッグス 4 [Bungō Stray Dogs 4]文豪ストレイドッグス 4 [Bungō Stray Dogs 4] by Kafka Asagiri
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

3.5 rounded up. We get an intro to the Guild and deal with Montgomery's powers, but so far I'm not really feeling these new characters all that much. It almost feels like an entirely different series. I can't quite tell if it's supposed to be serious or goofy, but perhaps that's the trick.

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文豪ストレイドッグス 3 [Bungō Stray Dogs 3]文豪ストレイドッグス 3 [Bungō Stray Dogs 3] by Kafka Asagiri
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We finally get the first real fight of the series here. Or rather, the first real dichotomy. And a bit of reveal for the mafia AND the detective agency.

There's really one thing I DO love about this manga, however. The characters are all named for classic, well-known authors. Japanese ones take up half the list, but also Christie, Dostoevsky, and Faulkner. And that's just so far. Later on, we get many more. And best of all? They all get powers based on references to a specific title the real ones wrote. It's a nice twist on superhero stuff.

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Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 217, October 2024Clarkesworld Magazine, Issue 217, October 2024 by Neil Clarke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Abby Nicole Yee ("A Space O/pera") -- (5*) Nicely fascinating, blending a post-fake society with a wedding, a space dog, and an emotional mystery. I really liked this one.

Nigel Brown ("The Buried People") -- (4*) Odd frontier SF, but it's the questions--to me--that drives this story.

Fiona Moore ("The Children of Flame") -- (2*) Nomads and subtle post-apoc communities are a special breed for me--either I love them, get eerie'd out, fascinated, or... I don't. This one didn't really catch me at all.

Arula Ratnakar ("Fractal Karma") -- (5*) This full novella takes its lovely time getting to some seriously hard core SFnal (wonderfully math heavy) ideas. Topography as applied to consciousness. Solid dark ending. This kind of story is one very dear to my heart. And so far, it's easily the best story of the month.

Louis Inglis Hall ("Fishing the Intergalactic Stream") -- (4*) This clipped, imaginative tour of alien fisheries was somewhat relaxing. Just sit back and fish. Of course, the twist was pretty obvious, but nice for all that.

Mike Robinson ("Midnight Patron") -- (4*) Anyone want an artistic crow's vision of our future? Ah, it's the implications that I liked best.

Damián Neri ("The Face of A Documentary") -- (5*) Brilliantly irreverent and I'm all about remembering James Morrow. This one is a very nice documentary-like nod, with some slight alterations. And now I kinda wish we had THIS story instead of the one we got in the movie Deep Impact. Alas.

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Thursday, October 17, 2024

CarrieCarrie by Stephen King
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I remember reading this way back in 1989, shortly after reading Pet Sematary. As a young kid, I totally got into the whole revenge factor for being picked on, but back then, I thought it was a lesser work of SK because I was stacking it against the other and IT.

I FINALLY got around to re-reading it now, and I really got into it a lot more than before. The interviews were something else. So was the assumption of vast changes in the world afterward. It just had a feel to it that was raw and so much more than the YA revenge fantasy that it actually is.

So now I get it, so late into my fanboying over SK's work, why this struck such a nerve in 1974, why it got SK all over the map. Just think about it. Girl gets her period, grows up under massive religious straitjackets and ignorance, has TK, is bullied to hell. Its a real powder-keg and aside from the TK, it could happen anywhere.

Here's to the girl that snapped.

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The Devil's Evidence (Thomas Fool #2)The Devil's Evidence by Simon Kurt Unsworth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Noir -- damned-soul, turned Head Information Officer in Hell--Mr. Fool is doing well for himself.

Not only is he solving murders and being a hero in hell, but now his services are requested in Heaven.

Muahahahahahahaha. Right. I'll just put out here that this isn't a tired or cliche rendition of Dante, but a smart, interesting Noir Mystery that treats Fool like the Fool he is. The scope and scale of these novels are also rather great, leading up to some rather primo Lovecraftian scenes, adventure, and entertainment.

I've read a pretty hefty amount of books LIKE these, but this has all the right balance and entertainment value. Very grounded--and if you realize we're talking about both heaven and hell here, you know that's going to be a very loaded statement.

I loved how this turned out. I can't wait for the next.

Honestly--these should be a lot more popular than they seem to be. The quality oozes off the page.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Phantom of the OperaThe Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, my angel of music....

So yeah, I'm re-reading this fantastic novel from 1910 and am enchanted, even greatly relieved to realize it is equally as good, if not obviously deeper, more fascinating, than the musical by ALW.

All the things that were merely hinted at, to be thought-through from the musical, are laid out bare in the novel. This SHOULD be a rather obvious statement, of course, but I'm repeating it because I am an idiot.

Well, not an idiot, maybe, and others might disagree, but I had a phase back in my early teens, when I was 14, when I became OBSESSED with the Phantom's music. I had never seen it on stage, and never even got to see it in any form until the 2004 movie. But I had listened to the music about 60 times during a summer until it was permanently re-playable in my mind.

So, uh, Brad, what does any of this have to do with THIS book?

Hold on, hold on, I'm getting there. So, I got the Gaston Leroux book as the completionist that I am, but I loaned it out like an idiot and that was the last time I had read it. I, sadly, just let it go. I had to rely on MEMORY, that fickle musical ghost, to remember the original tale.

Fast forward to today.

Upon re-reading it, I think the story is absolutely SUPERIOR. Sure, the musical's music is also brilliant, but the original TALE is as well.

I don't know what I was thinking, assuming it could in any way be lesser than what came after. Indeed, it's right up there, in full honesty, with the great horror/thriller/romances. You know, like Frankenstein or Dracula.

And before any of ya'll start looking at me like I had just crawled out from a 114 year old rock, let me just say... "I know!!!"


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Monday, October 14, 2024

The Devil's Detective (Thomas Fool #1)The Devil's Detective by Simon Kurt Unsworth
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think I thought this was going to be a simple Noir in hell, with all the normal trappings of hard boiled detective work, albeit with a bit more LA than LA.

Boy, was I surprised. It definitely has the other LA, but better than that, it's more hard-boiled, less conflicted about being hard-boiled, and positively lovecraftian with its demons, damned souls, and angels.

The worldbuilding might sound pretty average for the setting, but it's more. It's alive, interesting, and fascinating in a way I haven't seen in a long time for such a hellscape.

That's the good bit, isn't it? The writing. It draws you in and entertains you all the way. And this does.

I'm quite happy.

Happy spooktober!

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Sunday, October 13, 2024

文豪ストレイドッグス 2 [Bungō Stray Dogs 2]文豪ストレイドッグス 2 [Bungō Stray Dogs 2] by Kafka Asagiri
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Not nearly as streamlined or coherent as the first volume, it nevertheless widens the scope considerably. A little extra action, more emotion, and new characterizations.

It's still just a strong, if disjointed start, but it's still strong.

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文豪ストレイドッグス 1 [Bungō Stray Dogs 1]文豪ストレイドッグス 1 [Bungō Stray Dogs 1] by Kafka Asagiri
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Watched the anime first. Got into it because my girl insisted.

But really? It's an okay start--but that is nothing compared to what will come.

So really, I know I need to be patient. There are a TON of literary references. Most of the characters are either Japanese classic authors or worldwide classic authors. And their powers all have something to do with the literature. :)

It doesn't quite show off quite this early, but the action and mafia magic is pretty cool right off the bat.

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The Hedge Wizard (The Hedge Wizard #1)The Hedge Wizard by Alex Maher
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I kinda expected a more LitRPG read out of this, but that being said, it's still a pretty middle-of-the-road fantasy.

YA wizard, setting out on his own, then with an iffy group of adventurers, all the way to a whole Kobold adventure. (Yes, dragons are eventually involved.)

Honestly? It was fine for what it is. Fantasy, almost D&D down-to-earth. A light adventure, as grounded as you please. And this is good. For exactly what it is.

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The OvernightThe Overnight by Ramsey Campbell
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So. I really wanted to get back in to reading Ramsey Campbell after vaguely remembering I'd loved reading Ancient Images many years ago, and my buddy reader and I thought this particular book might be right up our alley because it deals with spookiness and perhaps deaths in a bookstore.

Yeah, well. Let's put it this way: if you consider a huge chain bookstore with harried workers and the very idea of service industry being HORROR, then I think you and this book would get along quite well for the first 2/3rds.

For me, at least, I just wanted to see some deaths, not just errant apostrophes. Alas, I was hoping for a cozy, book-centric, overnight caretaker kind of story, but it wasn't to be.

If you can get to the last third of the book, however, the supernatural stuff gets pretty fun. Getting that far, however, was something of a burden.

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

H.P. Lovecraft's NyarlathotepH.P. Lovecraft's Nyarlathotep by H.P. Lovecraft
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It's one thing to read Lovecraft during Spooktober.

It's another thing to read Lovecraft to your meh'd daughter whilst hamming it up to beyond-purple levels of voice-acting, getting into the madness, the vocal terror, the rising, shrill insanity, and howling about the green-lit snow and the extra-dimensional gods.

Oh, yeah, I cackled. I cackled as I read it to her. I cackled that meh right out of her.


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Friday, October 11, 2024

The RegulatorsThe Regulators by Richard Bachman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow, when it comes to straight character descriptions done quick and dirty, only to have those characters done dirty and quick, Stephen King excels. Or rather, Bachman reaches pure SK levels. *wink*

The whole setup and increasingly crazy add-ons past the drive-by kept me glued to the pages. Fun to see the connections to Desperation, too.

So why didn't I give this a full 5 stars? Mostly because the supernatural twists were almost un-needed. Sure, I LOVE the connections to everything else, but in this case? The shootings were STRONG and fascinating all by themselves. So, I just don't know. It's a feeling.

Either way, the book was absolutely delicious.

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Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Between Two Thorns (The Split Worlds, #1)Between Two Thorns by Emma Newman
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

For as much as I love Emma Newman's SF books and trust her talent at writing in general, I didn't quite click with this more traditional mostly-fae political UF. That's not to say I actually disliked it, but I was a bit ... bored with the subject material.

It just reminded me a bit of Maas in the feel of it. For those who love that, I'm sure they'd love this.

The quality is there, but I simply couldn't click. Alas.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

FantasticLandFantasticLand by Mike Bockoven
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a story that will stay with me. That's high praise, by the way.

Oh, to think about working at Disneyland FantasticLand when something goes really wrong.

I mean, emergency preparation people will be fine, right? And the kids, they'll be okay just as long as they keep a cool head, right? But yeah, we've all read Lord of the Flies, right? These things DO end up well, right?


Muahahahahahahaha, yeah. Over a month stranded in this place and we've got a mix between Covid stir-crazy and Lord of the Flies on crack, plus our little darlings go all deadpool and pirates on us, with a little Westeros thrown in.


Oh, and I love how this book was written as a series of interviews. It gave us all the best foreshadowings and the characters were all at their most self-serving best.


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Monday, October 7, 2024

Creation LakeCreation Lake by Rachel Kushner
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

On one hand, I like that the author attempted something rather big -- tackling communes and modern political, ecological, and just all-around savvy takes on all of the above in a way that goes a bit deeper than the surface. Indeed, the way she pulls it off, by way of archeological thinking, really should have sparked all my interest. The IDEA of it is pretty great.

On the other hand, it was a bit dry, inauthentic-seeming, slightly-agendized, and ... boring.
Nothing much happens, and when I enjoyed the commentary about how the neanderthals were done dirty, the sex scenes were anything but dirty.

As a sci-fi, it was pretty bland, almost LitSF in blandness. As a mainstream, well, I guess I don't really care. Maybe it would hold up well for readers who forever-profess they'd never read SF, but wind up doing the milquetoast version that all their buddies insist is "real" literature. You know the type. They get raved about in circles to dry to swallow.

Anyway. I'll be looking forward to something else, now.

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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Carpe Jugulum (Discworld, #23; Witches, #6)Carpe Jugulum by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-read 10/6/24:

For Spooktober. You know when you've got that little craving? For a little spot of mean tea. Well, here it is. In all its Go for the Throat Discworld glory.


Original Review:

On this re-read, I'm going to revise my rating a star higher.

Why? Because I really enjoyed it. :)

Really, what else can anyone say about reading Pratchett? That they love the quips and the little funny wisdoms and the bloody-minded humor? Well, sure, all of that is grand, but pitting Granny against vampyres that have a bit of Weatherwax wisdom is a sure-fire way to make the sparks fly. And even mythological birds are still birds. :)

Stand-out scenes for me are the ones where Nanny Ogg becomes the "other" witch and I absolutely loved her flirtations with Igor. :) Oh, and Oats. Oats and Granny were so CUTE together. :)

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Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in CrisisHillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis by J.D. Vance
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I have a problem here. I, in my humor, decided to finally read this in full light of J.D.’s vice-presidency candidacy and the elections next month, placing this in October as a funny nod to Spooktober and calling it a horror.

When looking at the current politics, with so many of J.D.'s stances and horrible comments—not to mention how he still espouses crackpot theories and is in bed with Peter Thiel in some rather vast and disturbing ways—I thought I’d find a book full of faults and ideas that point to an easily cynical “social currency” that would also, cynically, propel his person, through this “memoir,” into politics.

Which, if we look at the course of things, DID. Almost as if it were custom-made to grease his way into the public consciousness.

So. With all of the “social currency” that J.D. keeps mentioning throughout this book, about how “social currency” is the only way to lift up the poverty-ridden, trauma-led Hillbillies (of any persuasion, even rednecks like me), I’m reminded of one little fact: Money, itself, is also, at its core, “social currency.” No matter how you stretch the idea, it’s a fact. Those who give money to others do it to propel their vision of what is right and proper, socially. That’s why we have Yale and other Ivy League schools. To build social connections, to open those doors, to create the society that is right and proper for all those with the money to make the world go round. And if you don’t follow the “social” in the “currency,” you don’t get the currency.

J.D.'s final point in this book underscores it. The poors that he escaped are at fault for not getting with the proper social behavior—indeed, because they eat poorly (because they’re poor), because they treat each other abominably (because they’re traumatized by generational poverty and abuse), or even because they’re uneducated and bombarded with overwhelming agendas (often eschewing further education because of the need to WORK—just to survive—because that’s how it’s always been done), it gets them all farther and farther away from the “social currency.”

I’m underlining this point because he underlines it.

Other than that, I generally have few qualms about the actual observations he makes throughout the memoir. I agree that poverty is absolutely horrible, that nobody ought to go through systemic abuse or trauma while growing up or as adults, PERIOD. J.D. brings up all the big issues that seem to be endemic in the poorer parts of America. I say America because, while there are poverty-stricken areas everywhere else, there is a particular flavor here that isn’t quite like the others. Any embellishments J.D. makes in this book are rather insubstantial compared to the recognition of the real problem. Namely, it IS very different from generations past, the poverty has only grown worse, and so has the continued abuse between all those people still living in it. They’re tearing each other apart, one relationship at a time, and I find no reason to fault J.D.’s observations.

Only his conclusions.

I’m going to ignore the blame game here. Republicans or Democrats, the lies or truths told about either. I’m just going to focus on the little problem of poverty. If money is a social construct that serves to give advantages only to those who play the right games, then J.D. is saying that if you’re poor, like he was, YOU need to simply play the game right, like he did. And then, miraculously, you, too, will be on the winning side.

See how it is?

The book is a masterful work of manipulation. It tells a lot of truth, and then, when it gets to the zinger, it also seems to offer a brilliant, hopeful truth.

So, now that we see where J.D.’s wonderful memoir is headed, and now that we see where HE is headed, we also see quite clearly WHY J.D. is headed right to the top—if Trump wins.

He is a pied-piper. And if YOU follow him, YOU, TOO can sing the praises of “social currency,” together, perhaps, with real currency! All you grassroots will get to sprout into actual trees!

Well. Who knows. Maybe I’m utterly wrong on this.

Maybe J.D. really did go through systematic abuse throughout his young life and came through it all extremely well-adjusted and blessed, always on the lookout to not perpetuate more abuses. Maybe he isn’t on the dole of a massive amount of “social currency” from Peter Thiel and the RNC. Maybe he isn’t cynically cashing in on a massive load of kingmakers who see him as someone who can be level-headed AND controlled. Maybe.

Well, anyway, after reading this book, I feel like I could have a nice conversation about the ills we’ve encountered, discuss possible solutions, and in the end, be proud to call someone who has gone through so much and even now seems to have his head screwed on right, a friend. I could disagree with his conclusions, but likely never his observations. We would part as possible allies.

At least, I could with the man he wrote himself to be back when this book came out.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Feet of Clay (Discworld, #19; City Watch, #3)Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Re-Read 10/5/24:

This is something like my third time reading this book.
Obviously, I have found something worthwhile in reading them.

This time, it's really Cheery Littlebottom that did it for me. So, she isn't a novelty candle--but not for lack of trying. :)

Great stuff. Period.

Original Review:

I really enjoy the City Watch novels because every character is a hoot. Vimes is off the hooch, Nobby is about to be crowned king, and there are truly mysterious murders going on. And attempted murders. Of Vetinari, no less.

This is one of those super-solid Discworld novels. Pratchett has his thing going on, full tilt. Discrimination is explored on a much broader basis than ever before and just imagine... GOLEMS! So everywhere that NO ONE NOTICES them. Solution?

Revolution. Of a sort. If you're going to demand your freedom, make damn sure you ask for a receipt. :)

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Friday, October 4, 2024

The Great When (The Long London Quintet, #1)The Great When by Alan Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

All books require a reader to supply the rest of the imagination to any work of fiction. This is an old chestnut. But then, there are certain books that require a reader to actively perform a magical incantation that will utterly transform their lives and turn THEMSELVES into magicians of the highest caliber.

And this book is one of those.

Now, don't get me wrong. I've read Moore's Jerusalem. The Long London project is all within it, too, but the Great When is probably a bit less intimidating (if just for length). The LANGUAGE, however, in both, is utterly lush, gorgeous, and on a whole, its words are a sight more brilliant than me, also as a whole.

And yes, I am admitting that I am astonished at the deft density of imagination and the words used to describe it all.

Moore is absolutely a one-off genius or a magician, himself.

And speaking of which, I want to make a quick little supposition about Dennis, the MC. With all the talk of High Arcana in Long London, I just want to point out that Dennis fits the bill of the Fool.

As we know, Fools walk blindfolded on the edges of cliffs and generally never fall off of said cliffs. They are blessed. They're also amusing as hell.

I wish everyone a very, very good time with this, and future, Moore books. He lands at the very top of my "omg omg omg this is seriously kicking my ass" list. Feel free to take my advice or not, but I recommend a hard-copy, a pen, and either tiny handwriting, a bunch of post-its, a dictionary, and a willingness to look up thousands of true-historical characters online for the sake of the novel's true depth and weave.

And yes, I did just imply writing in the margins of the book. This would be for my benefit. If someone (and you know who you are) complains that I'm DEFACING a book, I'll reply that I am merely ENHANCING it with my own observations, for future reader's edifications.

The fact is, these are modern classics that absolutely need devoted followers following with vast conversations. It's worth it. Oh, and I've officially put this on my unofficial 6th star list. Bon appetite!

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Beware of Chicken (Beware of Chicken, #1)Beware of Chicken by CasualFarmer
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Half let's-have-a-wholesome-farm-life and half power-hungry-chicken story.

To be fair, it is TWO stories, and alas, this isn't precisely a Cultivation novel that just circles around a rooster getting extremely powerful. That, I think, might have been really fun and funny.

But instead, we get small-town life with a bit of Animal Farm on the side, and that's OK.

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

DiavolaDiavola by Jennifer Marie Thorne
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book certainly went above and beyond the whole vacation/ghost story trope. It wasn't even the basic concept behind it that captured me, but the writing itself.

It REALLY HELPS that the writing is pretty good and the PoV character is likable. Indeed, I liked her long before some certain hot-dog art. But I think it was the whole uncertainty factor that really got me going.

Don't know what I mean? Read it and find out. It is really rather delicious and a fantastic start to Spooktober!

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Monday, September 30, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 10So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 10 by Okina Baba
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Demon army vs Elves vs Humans. Mission? Protect the reincarnation kids.

Eh, it's ok. The best parts are always our cute spider's meet-ups with D. I could keep going forever with that, but the rest is merely okay.

I don't think this will ever rank all that high on my personal LitRPG list, alas. It had so much early promise.

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So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 9 (So I'm a Spider, So What? (light novel))So I'm a Spider, So What? Vol. 9 (So I'm a Spider, So What? by Okina Baba
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

The story is mostly about the oni by now. Our cute spider is mostly just spending her time learning to be a baby spider again.

All told, however, it is a light, easy read that's still amusing and I'm still invested in the ongoing story, so why not.

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Sunday, September 29, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8 by Okina Baba
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So, post-house spider in a LitRPG, now a weakling god.

There are worse story-fixes, I guess, but it's kinda weak. Still, it's continuing to be fairly amusing, so I'm getting into the stories of one of the other missing kids -- an Oni.

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To Hie from Far CileniaTo Hie from Far Cilenia by Karl Schroeder
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been trying to hunt down some old Karl Schroeder stories because I've been consistenly impressed.

This particular short fiction rather threw me for a loop. Back around 14 years ago, give or take 5 years, we had a rash of novels and stories that seamlessly combined virtual augments and reality and I really enjoyed them all. This one is no different, but there's a little catch:

This one is even more pertinent today than ever before. Not because of the Infomacracy or the Strossian elements, but because false-societies, overlaid over our own, can be subverted with just that little extra push.

AI, anyone? Those who control the information flow can do just about anything. All the cogs may think they're on the level, but when you have so many different pieces, the full picture may never be clear until the end.

This story, however short it is, does a fantastic job of showing just that. Highly recommended.

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Absolution (Southern Reach, #4)Absolution by Jeff VanderMeer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


What a trip. And I mean that most druggily. For all those fans of Area X, you probably wouldn't have expected another novel, but here we are, in all its life-and-mind-desolving goodness.

The alligators hooked me. The trackers enticed me. The flesh--well, the flesh--did something to me. The words, lol, the words, they set me up, entangled me in so many styles, and then threw me to the ground, tickled me, made me laugh, and then, when I didn't know what I was doing or thinking, they ate me. Yes. My expedition into this book ate me.

And here we have it, the fateful original expedition into Area X, the original Terror of the Weird, all come home to roost.

*shivers* The surreal alien madness, slow-cooked over the fire, was everything I thought it would be, and more.

Honestly, I think it's on par with the first book, tho that one had tight PoVs going for it, rather than a full menagerie of madness, in this one. Both have their strong points. But either way, I loved this. I'm still vibrating with that end.

All hail originality! :)

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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Odyssey (Stephen Fry's Great Mythology, #4)Odyssey by Stephen Fry
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you think this is just a quick and dirty modern-language retelling of the Odyssey, as written (and narrated) by the inestimable Stephen Fry, then get all the way out of Ithaca with you.

In reality, Stephen Fry came home to string Apollo's bow and reunite the classic tale with us, together with a massively delicious tribute, or rather, a brilliant, "Previously on..." of Greek context right before we get Helios's meat.

Or rather, I should just say that Fry gave us a truly worthy breakdown of the Odyssey with many fantastic Greek story recaps that make this particular classic so rich when taken altogether.

I recommend this very highly, as I would recommend all of the Great Mythologies by Fry. It's all VERY accessible and erudite at the same time.

Go on, then. Go home! GO HOOOOOOOME, Odysseus. Read this book.

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Before, After, Alone: A Planetfall Universe short story collectionBefore, After, Alone: A Planetfall Universe short story collection by Emma Newman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I didn't realize there was a short story collection surrounding Newman's SF works, but once I did, I was all over this. I like her writing a lot. Very personal, internal stuff, pitted against creepy cultural stuff in the center of real SF colonization issues.

Beyond that, however, I was very impressed with the clever situations and overwhelming emotions. And yet, it's all very much hard SF.

My favorite is absolutely the first story. The bear. So good.

Very fun, quick read.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Space Oddity (Space Opera, #2)Space Oddity by Catherynne M. Valente
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So, I was blown away.

Seriously now. I loved Valente's Space Opera (you know, the Eurovision of aliens, only if your species-chosen rock band comes in dead last, you're literally toast) novel. I even put it in my unofficial 6th-star category because it was just to freaking sharp, man.

And that has nothing to do with the fact that her unplanned sequel to THAT novel just happens to be a nod to our favorite Bowie, or so it seems from the title, and might have nothing needing doing with the first novel anyway -- and did anyone ask for this, bub? It lands in our laps and because it's Valente, a top-notch, brilliant, cut everyone's throats because she's JUST TOO SHARP, we've got to read this one, too.

And so I did. All this anti-glow-up just means that I had no idea what to expect. But now I know. And even after just a few pages in, I already knew -- that I was going to be exterminated by words.

Okay. So. Brass tacks. This novel is what Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's series would be if it went out on a cocaine bender laced with speed and PCP, got topped off with a powderized version of a seriously life-loving old hero-rockerboy, circled around for four more passes around the galactic center of a gigantic pulsating brain, and then sat down to seriously write one of the most seriously clever run-on songs of the universe. Sure, you could liken this to the best of Doctor Who, but screw that. This is the BBC as it would be if it was run by a really sweet, schizophrenic Shub-Niggurath who's really, really into sharing his poetry to every half-baked punter prioritizing his peonies over a right big wormhole shunt of beer.

Or so it seems.

Or don't take my word for it. This is one of the brightest books on my bookcase, and I'm going to be SINGING its praises until the universe, much like a mixed tape of the abyss, nods back at me in thanks.

Do I think it's deeper, funnier, and more glorious than the first book?

Yes, absolutely.

Do I love a certain Decibel Jones?

You know it.

And you know what? I think this time, it'll turn out all right.

*chef's kiss*

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 7 (So I'm a Spider, So What? Light Novel, #7)So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 7 by Okina Baba
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

So, what happens when OP goes beyond OP and all you've got are OP friends and frenemies and OP baddies to keep you company while the OP blows up your world?

Oh, just outdo the OP, right? Right.

Well, I'm amused enough to want to see just how OP this goes, but I'm starting to lose steam. Cuteness can only take you so far.

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The Masquerades of Spring (Rivers of London)The Masquerades of Spring by Ben Aaronovitch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This novella was a very pleasant surprise. I've always loved the old legends of 20's Harlem, the rejuvenation, the art, the heart. To think we'd get Nightingale and another Englishmen out of their old water, embroiled in a musical magical mystery -- and a certain horn. :)

Fun stuff. Absolutely worth catching.

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Sixth ColumnSixth Column by Robert A. Heinlein
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Re-Read, only a year later, 9/24/24:

It all came flooding back after starting it again, and my opinion hasn't changed at all. It's a light adventure using the religion twist to fool the rubes, but SF style. Not bad, but certainly not brilliant. For a RAH novel, it's on the low side, but for most SF of the period, it's still quite decent.

Why am I reading it so soon after the last time? A Buddy Read, going through all the RAHs in chronological order!

Original Review:

I won't say this is a particularly good Heinlein, by any stretch of the imagination, but if you get right down to it, it was written in 1949 when he was moving away from his Juveniles and putting his hand to more adult works.

In this case, he was writing for a small white male audience that had recently come out of WWII and he kinda clumped all Asians as WWII imperialist Japanese with the numbers of China to come up with the baddies having overtaken America. It's a kind of ignorant future, okay? The book needed a baddie that wasn't American and culturally alien enough to pull off what WAS a pretty fun stunt that reminds me a lot of Heinlein's much better chicanery and revolution stuff.

What WAS pretty damn good was these good ole boys whipping up a technological masterpiece that appears like magic and coming to the conclusion that the only way to strike a blow on the Pan-Asians occupying America was to use a hokey religious guise that all the locals could see through to gather enough men to strike a magic-as-technology blow against the invaders.

Which they do. In a very silly, but ultimately fun way.

Would I recommend this as good Heinlein? Hell no. But do I think it deserves a ton of hate? No. Not at all. I really appreciated how he used Hobos for an information network and thumbed his nose at religion in general, how he USED it for good ends without taking any of it seriously. And if you think about it, that's pretty awesome in 1949. There has always been a rather keen abuse of religion, and some periods were worse than others. So I give credit where credit is due. Ahead of his time in one way, and woefully behind in another. Flawed but still worthwhile.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 6 (light novel)So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 6 by Okina Baba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, maybe I'm just sliding into the new setup just fine. Vampire princess and demon lords as friends and underlings with just a bit of tension is just fine.

All in all, though, I'm just enjoying the natural progression of OP horribleness and magic mastery in a fantasy realm. What else do I really want?


Oh... and cute spiders area massive bonus.

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So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 5 (light novel)So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 5 by Okina Baba
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A lot of more of the same in this one. The other children who were blown up and reborn as heroes, etc, are just an okay aspect of these light novels, but I've always been 100% team spider.

Unfortunately, it's more and more those other kids, albeit with a world war, but I miss my cute, immortal, soul-sucking big-bad spider. What we did get, was good, but I'm not certain how I feel about that last twist.

I'll keep going, of course.

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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Maskerade (Discworld, #18; Witches, #5)Maskerade by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-Read 9/22/24:

Poor Agnes. Such a sweat soul with a sweet voice, smashed to pieces by the inclusion of WITCHES. Well, straight lines and headology and all are all extremely dangerous tools. Agnes should feel a bit honored to be included, but she has DREAMS. DREAMS, I say!

Totally delightful read. Again. Indeed, by this multiple re-read, I think the fat opera singer is protesting just a bit too much. So, I gave this an extra star.

Original Review:

Phantom of the Opera!

With the Witches!


Well, obviously, anything. This is Opera and the Show Must Go On! With or without Greebo in the mix. :)

Quite fun because I love the Phantom of the Opera and I love the Witches, but am I a fan of Anges?

Nah. Not really. I keep wanting a certain Tiffany to join the stage. Patience, patience.

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Saturday, September 21, 2024

Interesting Times (Discworld, #17; Rincewind, #5)Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-Read 9/21/24:

I wanted to say some fun things about this super-fun Discworld, but then I read my previous review and it said exactly what I wanted to say.

And then I upped my star review because I loved it more than ever. :)

This whole re-reading of a fantastic series is going swimmingly. :)

Original Review:

Interesting Times
When Cohen Established that Dynasty That Time
Rincewind Gets a New Suit.

I really enjoyed this Pratchett, being one of the few people who actually think that Rincewind is a likable anti-hero, or rather, a good runner. But sometimes even good runners get caught in the affairs of Wizzards and revolution. Okay, maybe it's Wizards and if I count him, it's only Wizzard, but you get the idea. :)

Welcome to China-ish, buddy! The Emperor would like to meet you. Or chop off your legs so you can more easily search for that head that you just lost.

Classic Pratchett. And a welcome change from Ankh-Morpork. :)

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Friday, September 20, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 4 (light novel)So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 4 by Okina Baba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

What? There's a twist in this web?

Goodie. And now cute becomes beast.

Good thing I'm still enjoying this Isekai spider-tale. :)

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So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 3So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 3 by Okina Baba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Everything I expected to be in here, was. More level-ups, even getting to the point where our cute assassin-spider is fighting dragons.

Honestly, it's beautiful. Now which evil eye should I cast on my enemies, now?

Progression Isekai LitRPG at its quirkiest.

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Saturation PointSaturation Point by Adrian Tchaikovsky
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another enjoyable Tchaikovsky SF. This time, it's full-on bio-punk. Scientists get a nasty surprise.


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So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 2So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 2 by Okina Baba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Like the first one, it's CUTE. This teenage girl--spider is having a blast leveling up the dungeon by herself. Evolving, gaining new skills, taking down dragons, she has it all.

I may not care so much about the other kids who were reborn in this isekai, with their kingdoms and demon lord armies invading, but give me spiders, and I'm totally down.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 1 (light novel)So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 1 by Okina Baba
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is exactly as cute as I expected it to be.

I mean sure, it has a dark initial premise, but nobody cares because a whole classroom of exploded children immediately get reborn in a fantasy world and they can level up and have fulfilling, battle-filled lives.

And then there's the one girl who got reborn as a spider.

And she's cute. Eating all those nasty dungeon beasties, leveling up, and slowly becoming a target for all her LitRPG-based classmates as an eventual big-boss. (Or so I imagine, by this setup.)

It's CUTE.

Anyway. *giggles*

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Echo of Worlds (Pandominion, #2)Echo of Worlds by M.R. Carey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sliders, done right.

We've got a raggy team of multi-universe explorers of Earth exploring, hiding, and attempting to deal with the massively impossible task of preventing multi-universal genocide.

This is exactly as impressive as it sounds.

No, there's no OP weapons, no fleets of ships at their disposal. Just pads to flip over into other universes, personal problems, and adventure.

I'm quite happy. If you're looking for afrofuturism, it's also on the table, but as it is GOOD SF, that's even better.

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Monday, September 16, 2024

The VegetarianThe Vegetarian by Han Kang
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm gonna call this a New Weird fiction. Not just because of the time it was written, but because it has so many of the earmarks. It reads as a trad fiction on the Eastern side of the divide -- modern, strong subtext figuring in sex, anorexia, and power mis-divisions -- but it's all the rest that happens that really gets my goose.

It's really a rabbit hole of quasi-schizophrenia, of the feel of dark-fantasy, of not truly knowing what is real. A good horror, in other words. But it's the other tension, the feeling like she might be the one who was always right, all the time, that really slams that nail into the wood.

I very much recommend this for anyone who wants a psychological horror along very unusual lines.

Of course, if you're very aware of a plant-like horror sub-genre, you'll feel right at home here. I keep thinking of The Fountain (movie), and Vandermeer. Enjoy!

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Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Werewolf PrincipleThe Werewolf Principle by Clifford D. Simak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've been a long-time fan of Simak, and while he really never wrote a problematic book, (by today's standards,) they're usually high on dialogue and situation rather that plot. This one is no different.

Indeed, the titular Werewolf Principle is a SF twist on multiple-mind sharing bodies, but in this case, it's human, alien, and machine -- all leading up to a big of adventure and chase and eventually a pretty high-level philosophical debate featuring the core meaning of humanity. Classic SF style, of course.

Interestingly, though, for a '67 novel, it's ideas of uploaded consciousness and AI and the Theseus Ship Paradox is still as interesting today as it would have been way back then. :)

While I enjoy this novel for its history, I have to admit I've seen this question done better since this time.

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Somewhere Beyond the Sea (Cerulean Chronicles, #2)Somewhere Beyond the Sea by T.J. Klune
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Surprisingly, the sequel might be better than the original. It's as wholesome as ever, like Umbrella Academy but with well-adjusted children, and satisfying in that "stabbing with kindness" is, actually, quite effective.

I will hereby say that I was wrong to just call it a "YA Queer Romance". I will modify that to say, "A GOOD YA Queer Romance."

Truly, ya'll don't sleep on this particular series. The kids are just too precious.

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