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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

FantasticLandFantasticLand by Mike Bockoven
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a story that will stay with me. That's high praise, by the way.

Oh, to think about working at Disneyland FantasticLand when something goes really wrong.

I mean, emergency preparation people will be fine, right? And the kids, they'll be okay just as long as they keep a cool head, right? But yeah, we've all read Lord of the Flies, right? These things DO end up well, right?


Muahahahahahahaha, yeah. Over a month stranded in this place and we've got a mix between Covid stir-crazy and Lord of the Flies on crack, plus our little darlings go all deadpool and pirates on us, with a little Westeros thrown in.


Oh, and I love how this book was written as a series of interviews. It gave us all the best foreshadowings and the characters were all at their most self-serving best.


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