Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The WitchstoneThe Witchstone by Henry H. Neff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I didn't quite know where to place this, considering that it has considerable humor, but only to UF levels, or that it feels like a horror that could easily go the full-out, everyone-gets-hurt, path.

But in reality? Laslo the demon is a rogue with a heart of gold, and the two kids he goes on a road trip around the world with are pretty cool peeps. Breaking a curse was never so much fun.

There are lots of cool demons, adjacents, and normal people populating these pages -- and even a cool priest. The hearts (literal and figurative) are the best parts.

I think this is a pretty great, light, fun read. I may have teared up a bit at the end.

See? Demons really ARE the victims of a bad PR campaign. Or not. Whatever. Individuals are individuals. :)

Personal note:
If anyone reading my reviews might be interested in reading my own SF, I'm going to be open to DM requests. I think it's about time I get some eyes on them.

View all my reviews

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