Monday, January 2, 2023

The Infinite (The Outside #3)The Infinite by Ada Hoffmann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Infinite is a solid end to the trilogy, but beyond that, it's a pretty excellent example of Lovecraftian huge-space opera with huge scope and particularly fine mind-breaking elements.

Literally. The Broken and the godlike powers, the huge, multidimensional AIs and other gods (even homebrew ones on humanity's side) makes this a really interesting book. I also like the small scale Broken bits a lot. It really takes getting to know yourself to a whole new level. I was expecting a shock of white hair and other madness-cliches, but this was good, too. ;)

War. Interstellar war. With quantum stuff and uploaded consciousness, souls, rebellion, and a huge-ass complication.

So, if I love all these elements so much, why did I only give it a 4 out of 5? Pacing, mostly. There's a lot to love, but some bits were a bit slow and lost the tension. Not a dealbreaker -- but I would have loved it tighter.

It WAS quite satisfying, however, and ended on a very interesting note, so don't let me dissuade you from picking it up!

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