Monday, October 31, 2022

The Dreams in the Witch HouseThe Dreams in the Witch House by H.P. Lovecraft
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I'm glad I revisited this one. As an older reader I appreciate just how special it is to have some rather fascinating mathematical concepts introduced upon the page, very heavy SF ideas of alternate dimensions or foldings of space that would take a proper mind -- and body -- some place or time -- very distant indeed. Beyond the galaxy, perhaps.

Combining the pure mathematics with one hell of an obsession and an equally heavy interest in some esoteric folklore -- and the realization that these old maths had been the preview of ancient peoples -- makes this utterly irresistible.

Of course, this is Lovecraft, and he takes a goodly bit of time to gnaw away at his character's sanity one night or non-euclidian geometry at a time. The witch and Brown Jenkin and all the mysterious ceremonies and sacrifices are just icing on the cake. I love how he gathers so many of his friends around him to keep him tethered to reality and how they failed.

Am I extremely happy to have read this on Halloween night?


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