Sunday, May 15, 2022

Empress of EternityEmpress of Eternity by L.E. Modesitt Jr.
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I'm aiming for a 3.5 for this one, rounded down.

So here's what I like: all the references to the Aesir and the rainbow bridge, as done as a pure SF and not comic-booky. I also liked the idea of three different time periods eventually converging.

But ideas don't make the entire novel, unfortunately. Exploring the 2000-mile-long unbreakable canal on a far-future Earth SHOULD have been a bit more interesting, all told, and it's only as good as the characters who explore them. In this case, I may not have been very interested in any character. And that sucks. I found myself going to lunch and dinner dates in the book and began to wonder if that was what this book was really all about and shook my head.

Okay then. The book was okay and it had a pretty fun end but it could have been better.

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