Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Dirty Job (Grim Reaper, #1)A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This happened to be exactly what I needed. This is a humorous fantasy that combines neato horror elements in all the most absurd ways.

Everyman Charlie, together with his cute-as-a-button baby girl, thinks he's the personification of Death.

Of course, the big, funny, spoilery bit that is the wonderful cover of this book should not be overlooked. That's what's really funny about all this. The poor guy is just not up to the job. And then there are the hellhounds.

The tweaks, the auto-insults, the truly absurd situations, people, and monsters he gets involved with are all topped with some of the best constantly-coming zingers that I've read in years.

I know that humor is a very subjective thing, but this one constantly builds and builds upon itself. It starts out smirkworthy, but as it keeps adding to itself, I was boiled alive in laughter.

Yes, this is my first Christopher Moore. I can't believe I've never tried him before. I'm SO glad I have. These days need a great dose of funny.

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