Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Smolder (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #29)Smolder by Laurell K. Hamilton
My rating: 3 of 5 stars


Ok. So. The bad:

What plot is here is just spat out and glared at, while the marriage preparations, which have been going on for, what, 8 books, are still running at us readers like Lancelot running to the wedding ceremony in Monty Python's Holy Grail. We have had 29 books, minus, what, 4-5 books leading up to the FIRST almost-four-marks between Richard, Jean-Claude, and Anita, only to be sprung on us after SO MUCH FREAKING DRAMA and THIS late in the game, and we STILL don't get a resolution of any kind in THIS book.

I'll just gloss over Anita's 1000 other polyglutonous sexcapades for a moment because it didn't go overboard this time. There WAS some magical action and a big bad that reminds me of that one earthquake guy, only this one is a freaky undead dragon that spits greek fire, because, why not?


I'm laughing my ass off because I actually had a good time.

And it's NOT just because of the FINAL fourth mark on the original triumvirate, although I was actually pretty glued to my seat for that. I just see this book as the prologue to a big blow out and the character interactions are all pretty great. I may not like all the additions to the mystical pack, mainly because this reads like a GoT menagerie that has even MORE sex than GoT, but many of my all time favorites are here and we're actually getting somewhere with the OP buildup.

So here we are. I'm on board despite massive amounts of bitching, and I'm actually rearing to go.


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