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Thursday, April 4, 2019

Million Mile Road TripMillion Mile Road Trip by Rudy Rucker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've read and enjoyed a number of Rudy Rucker novels and I can practically taste the surf on this one. They all have very distinctive flavors, but in all cases, they're wildly imaginative.

I admit I have a soft spot in my heart for easygoing kids more interested in being practical about relaxing, getting some surfing done, and playing their instruments, jamming out and taking it slow. This may have the hallmarks of a YA but it isn't, really. It's a road trip novel.

Here's where it really stands out: It's like reading Cat Valente's Space-Opera or Douglas Adams with a very surfer ethos, where the MCs take in the introduction of tiny aliens and a Dark Matter conversion kit for his bus with absolute aplomb.

What? Road trip with more peeps? Okie-dokey! With the kid brother? eehhhh.... okay... and we're doing a million miles and doing it powered by the strength of our music? ALL RIGHT! :)

If it sounds fun, you haven't gotten to know all the freaking aliens yet. :)

There's a ton and they're fun and of course, the journey ends with saving the universe and all, but the point is THE JOURNEY, man. :) And kisses that spawn a room full of babies. Or a whole WORLD of surfing! That bus goes through A LOT. :)

Very funny novel and delightful characters. I am reminded that I REALLY have to get back into reading Rudy's whole catalog. :) Well worth the time!

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