Tuesday, March 27, 2018

The Fuller Memorandum (Laundry Files, #3)The Fuller Memorandum by Charles Stross
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-read 3/27/18:

Buddy reads, total fascination with the storyline and reading this multiple times and STILL getting over-enthusiastic about the orgy of nerdy Lovecraftian bureaucracy? Maybe it's just right for me and I've grown into it so much that I can't destiny disentangle myself any longer. :)

Or perhaps I'm just coming to deeply appreciate this series even more than I did when I first read them. It's all connected, man! :) So I'm upping a star. :)

I'll try not to spoil here, but the fact is... I'm a total fanboy. Bob is my nerdtastic hero. And his boss? Can I have a crush on a DSS? I suppose I can, but that's deeply scary. :)

Original Review:

Such a beautiful thing to be the Eater of Souls. I truly enjoy departmental cockups in lit, and when it all goes pear-shaped, I go all teary-eyed. Maybe if I try to get on the fast-track, I, too, can be an immortal monster determined to defend the Upper-Middle-Class English Lifestyle. We can only hope.

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