Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Christmas PigThe Christmas Pig by J.K. Rowling
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My daughter and I read this together this year, just in time for Christmas.

Her review:

This was a very heartfelt story that got me hard. I was reminded of my own Big Bear, with its matted hair and old scents, and I freaked out when I thought about losing him. I freaked out a lot.

I was also thinking how necessary it is not to fight with your sister or your friends.

I loved the story and happy it ended the way it did.

My review:

I was extremely anxious as we read it because I knew this would be a massive trigger warning for my girl who absolutely adores her Big Bear. Imagination is a bitch.

I was brought to tears several times and I think it worked really well on multiple levels. I thought of Cat Valente's YA a bit as I was reading this, and it's all positive. :)

View all my reviews

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