Sunday, July 4, 2021

The Final Incoherent Adventure (Bill, The Galactic Hero, #7)The Final Incoherent Adventure by Harry Harrison
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

All told, this might be the worst of the series, but I'd still ignore the title to give you any hints as to its contents.

It's not really incoherent, but there is a difference between the first Bill, Galactic Hero that was written during Vietnam and a successfully pulling off a Catch-22 satire and revisiting Bill, Galactic Hero during the First Gulf War. Sure, the two were written during both conflicts and directly reference both with wordplay and satire, but this one somehow came across more as sadness.

That's not to say that there isn't a lot of strong attempts at humor, however. There are plenty of manly man things going on that are pitch-perfect with the absurdity. And there is a stark bare minimum of intelligence (and sometimes below the minimum!) in all things. Farmers, armies, heroism, and all the stupidest reasons for doing anything are showcased.

And yes, I remember, my emperor loves me. ;)

The book isn't horrible but did rather fall a bit flat and squirmy to me.

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