Saturday, November 11, 2017

Flinx in Flux (Pip & Flinx #6)Flinx in Flux by Alan Dean Foster
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

High-energy action and adventure in the form of a boy and his dragon meets his biggest nemesis yet. A young girl.

I mean, it's not all as bad as that, of course, and Flinx has had plenty of girls after him but he's never been in quite the right frame of mind since he was being chased by assassins, trying to save the universe, trying to discover who his father is... that kind of thing. And he also has his first love in the form of his minidrag, so there's always that...

But still, these things do finally catch up with a boy. ROMANCE. *gasp* *shock* *swoon*

Well, not so much swoon. I've read better romance... all over the place... but it's decent. I suppose the best parts are where we get to spelunk, meet new alien races, foil eco-gene-terrorists, meet up with uberpowerful friends, and discover that things are going to hell in a handbasket right on the outer reaches.

All in the day, right?

As an adventure, it's still top-notch. I can't even tell that it's YA but it has all the hallmarks and it's always an easy and fun read. In other words, it's good for the whole family and even crusty old SF hounds like me. :)

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