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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Every Time We Meet at the Dairy Queen, Your Whole Fucking Face ExplodesEvery Time We Meet at the Dairy Queen, Your Whole Fucking Face Explodes by Carlton Mellick III
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I needed something FAST for Valentine's day that just might hit all the right buttons for humor and horror, and since I've dabbled in Carlton Mellick III a few times in the past and always got a good chuckle out of it, when I read the title of this one, I knew it was going to be all kinds of cool.

I mean, it's absurdist, surreal, wholesome, and utterly disturbing all at the same time, but that doesn't change the fact that it's amazing, too.

Let's just get the elephant out into the open, first. The title is literal. It's simultaneously cute as hell and gory. But then, the entire story is, too. Even with all the collateral damage, the side-story of bullying, the horrible consequences of all the little excitements of life, it's still WHOLESOME while being absolutely anything but. :)

And it's PERFECT for V-Day -- especially if you, my dear little reader, are a twisted little freak.

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