Saturday, April 23, 2022

Amongst Our Weapons (Rivers of London, #9)Amongst Our Weapons by Ben Aaronovitch
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

No doubt about it, these Rivers of London books are something special.

Low-key nerdy, competently police procedural, and very magical, it's the modern-day London and deep worldbuilding (and by deep I mean, chock full of tiny details that add up to something great) that makes this a must-read every time a new one comes out.

This one was no different and this particular plot got me all revved up. Angels? Different agencies? A mystery bordered on the fantastic? Yep, it was all there and I was all for it.

No spoilers, but I loved seeing a recurring character and getting more details about all the other magical traditions. Our main plot and main characters were great, of course, but all together, I was thrilled.

View all my reviews

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