Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Another Fine Myth (Myth Adventures, #1)Another Fine Myth by Robert Lynn Asprin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Okay, so, it turns out I'm a huge fan of Robert Asprin already. It only took one book but he's already better (to me) than Piers Anthony's Xanth series.

From 1978, this first one hits all the right tones of the brand new D&D sessions just out on the market mixed with delightfully light humor. You get a master con-man demon, a newb wizard being trained by the con-man demon, and a series of misadventures that feel like Han Solo is running the show.

It's truly delightful. And funny. And I LOVE the (mis)quotes between chapters. It made me look at each chapter in an utterly new light even as I enjoyed the (mis)adventure.

Nice twists, too. I totally expected one thing and got two others.


Anyone into funny fantasy. I expected this to be something like Pratchett but while it DOES have some of the elements, it's on a much smaller scale. This still makes it quite light and fluffy. Like cotton candy. :)

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