Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Old Man and the SeaThe Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is little I can say amongst so many great reviews that will shed any light upon this classic masterpiece of literature, but I can speak of my feelings.

Let me be honest. Before I read this the first time, I groaned. It's a fish story. Anyone who grew up around people who tell fish stories knows that they get bigger and bigger with each telling until the hero of the tale successfully takes down the great white whale. Or not, as in Moby Dick's case.

I was afraid that I would be overwhelmed with a big whopper.

What I got, instead, was a deeply personal, tragic, and heartbreaking.

People say much about Hemingway's simplicity of style, his minimalism, and I have to agree. He cuts right to the bone.

It's also perfect if you feel like this life is tearing a piece of you away, one bite at a time.

Those damn sharks. The waters are full of them.

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