Friday, August 28, 2020

Emerald Blaze (Hidden Legacy, #5)Emerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Ahhh, Catalina and Alessandro. After a few rocky starts, a slow-burning romance, and a major reversal in the previous book, we finally get... more reversals.

There are some really cool magical bits, a nice and nasty antagonist, and enough familial angst and reveals to throw a kitchen sink at, but in the end, this novel IS pretty much a HEA romance through and through.

We THOUGHT we'd get that HEA in the previous one before the rug was pulled out from under us and the rocky start in this one seemed destined to keep that HEA out of our grasp with all the "I'm spurned so, therefore, I'll spurn" standard trope, but this is just a trick.

The novel delivers. In beautiful paranormal romance style.

What? You miss Nevada and Connor?

***psssst. They're here***

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