Monday, March 4, 2019

Interview for the End of the World: A Children of Titan Universe Short StoryInterview for the End of the World: A Children of Titan Universe Short Story by Rhett C. Bruno
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Short, emotional, and hard-hitting.

Rhett Bruno's zeal for the Titanborn series shows here in a diamond-bright focus on the day of the meteor strike.

Yes, it takes place 300 years before the rest of the series, but knowing where all the later settlers came from and what kind of people they were led by is quite a treat. Does it foreshadow quite a bit to come? Yep.

But more importantly, does it stand on its own as a short-sharp-shock?

I think so. :)

Yes, it also relies on the appeal of the rest of the series, but that's okay. Popularity *is* a thing. I don't feel ashamed at all for enjoying my continued investment. :)

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