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Friday, October 20, 2017

Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep #1)Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seven years after the fateful voyage of a doomed mockumentary hunting for signs of life in the deep, the fateful Mermaids, a truly scientific voyage is finally put together. The quest? To put the horrible rumors and/or the innuendo to rest. Or, as a few would prefer, to come back with proof positive that:

Mermaids are REAL.

Mira Grant, aka Seanan McGuire, has done it again. She's got this great talent at weaving horror into science fiction and bringing it right back into the horror foreground, and what's more, she's made it into an epic Mermurder tale.

Mermurder. Mermaider. Mermurder. I love the sound of it. Mermaider

To be fair, though, this is more of a science fiction tale than anything else. Grant goes through all the great stuff associated with marine biology, specialty forensic science, and all the red-tape that might be associated with such a venture into the dark deeps over the main Trench. She even gets into sign language in a big way and it was delightful because of another great story that she had written, unrelated to Mermaider. :)

Eventually, it becomes survival horror, but all the way through, it's fun as hell. Great science, great character development, and then... bloodshed. More bloodshed. Even more bloodshed.

I'm so happy I got this from Netgalley in October. It's so perfect. *evil laugh* *more evil laugh* *even more evil laugh*

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