Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Devil's Only Friend (John Cleaver, #4)The Devil's Only Friend by Dan Wells
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

For all you peeps missing a Serial Killer gone Good, or at least good-ish, or even just mildly tiptoeing the very broad definition of monsterhood, I'd recommend this series.

John's 17 years old, has lost almost everything, but he's done the right thing and joined the "good guys" to hunt down demons. John still doesn't give a flying rat's ass about whether anyone lives or dies and he still likes to take home a rack of meat to stab viciously in his off hours, but at least he has the intellectual stimulation of hunting down monsters that have been alive for ten thousand years and pins all his hopes on giving himself that one gift he lives for.

The thrill of the kill.

It's all gravy that the peeps he's running with are a morass of grey areas and are hardly any better than the monsters he hunts. Maybe he'll have a chance at an open smorgasbord? lol

The writing is smooth, the characters compelling, and John is constantly straddling that line that makes us readers squirm and squirm and squirm.

I think this might be the best of the books so far. I know I had a great time. :)

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rekt by Alex Gonzalez My rating: 5 of 5 stars Oh wow. I haven't read a horror for years that genuinely creeped me out like this. I m...