Friday, July 21, 2023

Cold Days (The Dresden Files, #14)Cold Days by Jim Butcher
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

After Changes and Ghost Story, what's a bit more change? Winter Knight, right?

Honestly, I loved sticking around in the Never and poor Harry's training regimen was brutal, but how weird has the world gotten when MAB is the voice of reason and sanity?

Of course, everything picks up once we get back to Chicago and Harry's mind-whammies aren't making him that popular with his friends, but he has earned a LOT of good-will over the years. So when Chicago might turn into a mystical super-volcano and he's partly at fault, it gets rather exciting and chaotic.

Oh, and Happy Halloween.

As for what happens near the end, I will not spoil a damn thing, but I will say MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and leave it at that. What a FANTASTIC ride. And after that? A real sucker-punch.

I know I keep saying this a lot, but every time I read these books, I keep saying, "And this is my favorite book in the series, because..." and I want to say it again. It's absurd, I know, but just trust me on this. When it's great, it's constantly great. :)

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