My rating: 3 of 5 stars
The last Stainless Steel Rat adventure, appropriately written from story retirement and given new life in mismanaged money and a spacecraft full of porcuswine.
Suffice to say, while this wasn't an actually bad novel and it didn't really seem to be cashing out on its previous success, it didn't really feel like a Stainless Steel Rat novel. The only thing left about Jim was the swagger... without the talent.
He didn't really return as make a journey out of necessity, and the biggest plot push was a bit uninspired with the conflicts between the green and the pink skins. Nasty, brutish, and short doesn't really begin to describe it, or perhaps I should just point to Westeros and then say Jimmy was also here.
Again, it wasn't a bad novel, but it was a bad Stainless Steel Rat novel. And it wasn't that funny.
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