Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

With great pride, I admit I'm a big fan of Pride and Prejudice. I've consistently ignored the fact that it is a Romance novel, that it is full of flighty girls doing silly things and jumping to massive conclusions without even a speck of proof, and I've totally discounted the fact that just about everyone on the planet has read it.

Am I prejudiced to believe it is a wonderful novel that keeps my interest from start to finish? Possibly. I might also be prejudiced enough to defend it against anyone who says this work is a piece of fluffy, self-important, wish-fulfillment doggerel.

Come on! I DARE you. This is my pride you're pricking.

Yeah, fine, it MAY be a Romance, damn it... but it's also a classic. And it's written really well and it hits me somewhere deep. I'm not THAT prejudiced against Romance novels, am I?

Oh, my. I might be just as confused and conflicted as Elizabeth.

Ah, well, the novel is still good. No one can take that away from me.

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