My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This fifth book of Lizbeth Salander, two not written by the original writer, is fun enough to keep on reading without any reservation, but not deep enough or creative enough to break any new ground.
Indeed, a lot of the plot elements are DIRECT REPEATS of the first three books.
Not that I'm complaining. Much. They do, after all, solidify and remind us of exactly what kind of person Lizbeth is. Minus the duct tape. But add even more revenge against abusers. For that, I am just fine. In fact, these laid-back observations, theoretically relaxing check-ins to a prison system to catch up on quantum loop theory is kinda awesome.
Woe to anyone actively abusing a broken woman in the cells nearby!
There's just a TAD reveal about Lizbeth in this one. She's not really the star of the show, believe it or not. This novel could almost do without Lizbeth.
The best part of the novel is pretty much the new characters. And that's perhaps how it ought to be.
I like the twins. :)
So, yes, I had fun. That's my main concern. This isn't utterly derivative but it does straddle the line. If it wasn't for all the new peeps, I might have felt as let down as the previous novel after I got over the initial rush. Not so, here. :)
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