Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Road to RoswellThe Road to Roswell by Connie Willis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I've been a forever Connie Willis fan. That means it doesn't matter what she writes, I have total trust in whatever she does.

That being said, I worried -- slightly -- that this subject, aliens and Roswell, might be a bit meh on my radar.

I am HAPPY to say that even if I was lukewarm about the subject, Connie still knocks it out of the park. She proves that my trust is totally warranted. Again.

This is a great blend of comedy, road-trip adventure, linguistic hi-jinx, and goofy characters all working toward a -- weird goal. This trip kept a smile on my lips throughout.

Comedy is hard to do right. Fortunately, Connie Willis is a master.

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