Friday, June 19, 2020

Godmother NightGodmother Night by Rachel Pollack
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a novel that's kinda hard to review. It did win the World Fantasy Award in 1997 and it's absolutely perfect for anyone interested in witchy 90's lesbian fiction (which pretty much sums it up) but it is also a bit more than that.

I would have loved this more coming down from a 90's Sandman high, hunting for anything Death related, getting my candles out, and reading passages of the Celestine Prophesy to my tolerant friends. :)

If you get what I mean, you'll probably enjoy this novel as a trip down a certain nostalgia path. For everyone else, and I mean anyone who wants a thoroughly, thoroughly lesbian-centric trip, I think you might something of value here.

For me? Well, I've gotten slightly more nuanced in my taste for LGBTQ literature over the years. This one smacks of goddess worship, going down the hardcore lesbian politics route, and a personal journey shining through the filter of fiction. Unfortunately, I've read my fair share of similar books, and while this one isn't particularly bad and it really SHINES when we get to Kate's story (much farther than half-way into the novel) it really reads more like a series of events with small smatterings of magic.

Aim for getting a THEME out of this and you'll be better off.

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