Thursday, February 20, 2020

Alien: EchoAlien: Echo by Mira Grant
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Don't judge. In a universe where we're always the warm, soft fleshbags, a perfect breeding ground for natural born killers, there's GOTTA be an upside. Right?

Well, here's the formula: Get yourself all cozy with family. Develop all those characters, make them interesting. Give them flaws, give them a little, but not too much angst. Make it YA with a TON of hormones and crushing and even give them a chance to invite all the kids over for a little party out in the boonies of this colony world while the folks are called away on a special bonus mission to check out that derelict spaceship... And wait for the ovipositors, the bloodbath, and the wickedly funny physical humor that ought to be horrific but is generally just awesome.

This is an Alien novel, folks. It also happens to be written by one of my favorite authors. Maybe it accounts for why I never lost interest in the tale or why I was so smitten by the characters. Granted, I wasn't all that smitten with the love interest, but with the sisters? I would die for them. :)

This one, for all the normal horror formula, is written well enough, has enough emotional impact for me, that I might call it my favorite of the whole Alien Franchise. It helps that the biological know-how got included. As did some of the more interesting aspects of the other stories (movies or otherwise). But most importantly, there were a few minor twists that I adored and one single twist that I ABSOLUTELY LOVED.

No spoilers. But it's definitely worth the admission price.

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