Monday, November 5, 2018

Feeding Frenzy: Curse of the Necromancer (Loon Lake Magic, #1)Feeding Frenzy: Curse of the Necromancer by Maaja Wentz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Here's a solid UF for ya.

That's ya, not YA, in case you're wondering, for while a lot of the action takes place on a Campus, the action is all witches, ravenous hoards, and horror nods. The first half of the novel promises to be a humorous romp as students and teachers succumb to a strange illness/curse that makes them gobble up everything in sight and then walk around like a zombie afterward. I'd say Bulimia, but this is a bit of tight necromancy instead. The second half is an all-out zombie-ish apocalypse that is part food riot and part magical conspiracy.

I thought it was pretty fun! Pure popcorn, of course, but sometimes we just HAVE to have our popcorn reads. :) Fun is fun is fun. :)

I'm looking forward to eating the next book. :) Nom Nom Nom.

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