Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Collector (Titanborn Universe Book 0)The Collector by Rhett C. Bruno
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was pretty sweet! Mystery, cool SF elements, and even better world-building for the rest of the Titanborn series.

And, I think it can be read with or without foreknowledge of Titanborn even though the main character from Titanborn is also in this one. Why? Because it brings out some of the most interesting aspects of the corporate world that has made the Collectors a going thing after the destruction on Earth. It also brings out the personal things I loved about the gritty Malcom in Titanborn, too.

And who doesn't like a gritty mystery full of all the things that makes PKD great, all wrapped up in a bow that points a huge arrow at so many of life's injustices?

No spoilers, but this is the kind of thing I wished I saw more of in From Ice to Ashes, the actual sequel to Titanborn. :) It might be a personal preference thing with a bit of attachment to the MC. :)

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