Monday, October 17, 2016

A Calling Of Quarrels (Stewards of the Plane #2)A Calling Of Quarrels by Shannon Wendtland
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This second modern-world fantasy builds upon the same modern-world beliefs in magic and explores the implications further, with more grown-up characters and a seriously impressive oppressive conflict brewing.

This time, it isn't all about closing a vortex. This time it's about the shadow conspiracy that is dragging humanity's consciousness through the gutter.

Of course, this might sound oddly familiar, with good reason, if any of ya'll have read up on modern conspiracy theories, from frequencies in the air destroying our immune system and our thought processes, Orgone generators to fix it, the magical symbolism of money, intent, Schumann harmonics, and a lot of Edgar Cayce. And don't forget the bad guys who are grand puppet-masters controlling the world to eat us!

Truly, the author is mining a lot of great counter-cultural oddities. I can't complain at all; It's quite fun! I recommend this fantasy for anyone tired of the same-old fantasy blahs. Aim for something more in-line with modern magical thought and skip the fireballs for the time being. :) It's not like you'll be skipping the monsters, tesseracts, or world-ruling baddies if you do!

Thanks goes to the author for a copy of the book!

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