My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Well now! I'm falling into these books a little late into the game, reading AFTER watching three seasons on Netflix, and so I'm all aflutter about the differences. And yes, there are quite a few differences. Like the Dexter books compared to its tv series.
But is that a bad thing? Can I separate the two and get right down to what I enjoy about THIS book even though it didn't have all the goodies I expected it to have?
I'll try.
Almost the entire thing about Love is missing, for one. The librarian is almost everything here. We have hints of the kinds of small rich town oddities, of course, and a lot more depth, but to me, the biggest divergence is the KIND of deaths.
I mean, Joe always had this thing going on and he always went all-out to fix his relationship problems. That hasn't really changed, but he's TRYING TO DO BETTER. I like that. He's a good guy. He just fails a little. His projects keep dying ON ACCIDENT.
I read this as a redemption tale. He's trying so hard. Love's family really played him dirty. It's understandable, really. *snicker*
Oh, the writing is as good as always and if I had read this without knowing the series, I would probably have fallen right into it without any issues or comparisons. The two are just SO different. It's a bit jarring.
But either way, I still love it. :)
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