Saturday, January 9, 2021

Best Served ColdBest Served Cold by Joe Abercrombie
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm coming back to Joe's grimdark Epic Fantasy because I came to realize that I never should have gone away.

You know how it is. You try out a good tale, get amazed at how bloody and grim and well-rounded its characters are and you fall in step, knowing in your BONES that there are no heroes or villains, just bloody-minded power struggles and.... REVENGE.

Some epic fantasies do this better than others. This one is truly rich in characters, mercenary politicking, desperate gambles, and surprising poisonings.

In other words, it was delicious, dark, and quite in line with the rest of this series. I feel kinda guilty that I read books 1-3, then 6, then 7, BEFORE reading book 4. This one. But FORTUNATELY, it's like history. Lots of things are going on at different time-periods. It's absolutely possible to pick up these in blocks of trilogies even if the greater history is all tied together.

That's fine for me. A new character, a new situation, but lots of great easter eggs. :) It's killing me. :) I guess I'm in good company.

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