Friday, July 7, 2017

OutlandOutland by Dennis E. Taylor
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

If this is Taylor's first novel, I'm still hella impressed. It reminds me of a classic SF and modern topic mashup, kinda like a love-child between Pratchett/Baxter's Long Earth and classic Heinlein such as Tunnel in the Sky.

From a sheer enjoyment aspect, few books can beat it on the idea front. Uni-studs, crafty teachers hop world-lines in classic SF joy, building up to the grand and horrific spectacle of an erupting Yellowstone.

Yeah, I know, Long Earth did it, too, but this one, in a few specific ways, might be better.

I like the classic SF feel and the hopping plot that is full of very good explanations and depictions of the oncoming disaster. But best of all, it's a Can-Do novel at its core.

The characters are fine and I like a lot of Taylor's signature geekiness, but this one's characters aren't quite up to the grand-awesomeness that I've come to expect from Bob-verse. :)

Even so, the adventure and the decisions and the surprises in this more than makes up for that. I totally recommend this for a taste of the good old days. :)

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