My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Update 1/26/17 Re-read:
I still very much enjoyed the book the second time!
In some ways this is a superior book to Titanborn in that the rising action culminates in something much bigger than personal tragedy. Those of the Titanborn revolutionaries finally get their day in this book.
Both are set in the same frame, but don't go expecting much in the way of overlapping characters. The settings, however, are very much characters in themselves. Sickness and exploitation is rampant, as is the sense of deep disparity between the classes (and locations).
The world-building is something very cool to behold, working ever so steadily on our consciousness until it gets firmly rooted and we begin feeling the deep ambiguities inherent in living in a real world. Thievery and desperation and constantly having to wear personal protection sits right up against a deep desire for doing the right thing, finding love and finding purpose.
This is a novel of a rising star. We go from nothing to the top of the food chain and the path is not simple or easy or really that expected. Kale isn't an alpha dog and all he really has going for him is his ancestry and the faith of a bunch of desperate idealists, and yet he finds his way to a really grand resolution. What more can we ask? Explosions? Ah, well, we get those, too. :) A lot of them. :)
This is truly some great Space-Opera, folks. It focuses much more on good storytelling than on technogadgetry, and that's great because it allows us to really get inside the characters. :) Bravo! :)
Original review of a pre-pre-release:
I promised not to reveal anything after getting a sneak peek, but there *is* something that I can say.
And for all ya'll praying and hoping to get into the grit, please be patient. Once you get your hands on this, you'll be very satisfied. Or you might Gaaaahahhhhhaa like me and demand that the author keep writing, double-time, and give us more or else.
That being said, It's So Cool.
This is real SF, focusing on truly entertaining us and giving us great characters and great solar system adventure with complicated situations. The real treat is in how it's written. :)
Keep your eye out!
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