Friday, July 17, 2020

Another CountryAnother Country by James Baldwin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is one of those novels, like Giovanni's Room that dives deep into interpersonal relationships in a very deep and broad way. Not only is it about the complicated relationships between blacks and whites, but about m/m, m/f, and all the messy complicated issues that can happen between them all.

Yes, it's about racism, but mostly it's about fairly decent people trying to make it work and still getting it all wrong. And that's interesting, no? For a book that came out in 1962, he runs through the whole gamut of human interaction and it's often sweet, scary, idealistic, depressing, and sometimes downright ugly.

But it's also not overblown or politicized. And that's INTERESTING, to me. It's very modern without being ugly-modern. Where everyone has an agenda, Baldwin seems free of it.

I mean... assuming you already think that humans are a chaotic heap that can mess itself up quite nicely without outside influence. :)

Very interesting novel. It belongs right up there with all the human-nature greats. :)

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