Sunday, August 14, 2016

Lies, Damned Lies, and History (The Chronicles of St Mary's, #7)Lies, Damned Lies, and History by Jodi Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What? A total guilty pleasure that doesn't have much to do with romance, vampires, or werewolves? One that reads so easy and so effortlessly and so addictively you might want to classify this as a class A substance?

And OMG we're ALL able to abuse this shit?

Yeah, we are. Just for the price of a book or a whole damn series. Including short stories. We can GET OUR FIX.

What's even better? Oh yeah, it's SF, time travel, and SO MUCH HISTORY for all us history buffs. :) Total history-porn.

Oh, and of course we've still got our favorite characters just jumping blindly into the past where they're able to get into so much damn trouble just because history isn't safe. I mean, is *any* time safe? Of course not... but we have to sigh and reconcile ourselves to the fact that Historians are idiots.

Seriously. Idiots.

Fortunately, it's hard to stay angry at them, even when they jump into several English wars, get into serious trouble with Arthur, become a pawn in Dr. Bairstow's games, even having Max think her last jump before maternity leave would be an easy Stonehenge reveal, but no. Of course, no. Any fan of this series is going to be sitting on the edge of his or her seat and wondering what dire and/or absolutely horrible event is going to happen next, and while I might be a pussycat in real life and wish to tell you what horrors await you in order to steel yourself to the tragedy... well, I won't. I'm mean on occasion. Or often. Who knows?

But this is where the tears start falling... or do they? This author is really, really mean. :)

And AWESOME. This is some great storytelling with really dry humor and great history and great characters and really mean and fast plots. :) Why aren't more people reading this? It's totally entertaining as hell. :)

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