Monday, January 18, 2016

The Boy Who Lost Fairyland (Fairyland, #4)The Boy Who Lost Fairyland by Catherynne M. Valente
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

So how do you judge an exemplary YA adventure that stands out heads and shoulders above everything you've ever read in the field?

You don't. Or, at the very least, you judge it by the others in the series.

So that's what I'll do.

Unfortunately for me, I still can't decide between the first book and this one as being my favorite! UGGHH....

Sure, there happens to be another revolution, but this time it's all for the changelings. We even get a small role for September, and my previously ignorant prediction of seeing more of Saturday was a woefully misbegotten sentiment.

So just how wonderful is it to see a little troll boy grow up in Chicago?

Let me tell you: IT WAS SPECTACULAR.

Everything is turned on it's head from the previous books, and yet it's all so damn close. We've got a There and Back Again coming from exactly the wrong direction as the previous books, and what do you know? I actually prefer it! Did I see myself all in Thomas? Oh yes. Do I feel like doing a ton of Trollish things? Oh yes. Did I delight in rediscovering that I'm not NORMAL? Oh yes, yes, yes, Indeed, Yes. :)

Did a few tears fall from my eyes?

Yeah, surprisingly.

So beautiful. So utterly charming.

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