Monday, March 25, 2024

Wyrd Sisters (Discworld, #6; Witches, #2)Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Re-read 3/25/24:

Doing a grand re-read of all of Discworld because it just seems to be THAT necessary.

Let's put it this way: in this damn spherical world, things are NOT that wholesome, intelligent, or magical. That's why the DISCworld is so important.

And yes, even Ankh-Morpork is more wholesome than this damn place.

Now, let's just listen to nature a little bit, okay? The king might have something to say. :)

Original Review:

There have been many great reviews on this old favorite of Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld, and I won't wax eloquent, (or otherwise), save to mention that it's full of Headology and Shakespeare references, between murdered kings and lost heirs and crowns and a mummer's farce and a showdown between Witches and the King, but even so, it's all fun as hell.

I think this is the first novel of the Discworld series that truly comes into its own... or the first one that Pratchett uses as the template for all the ones to come. Since this is a second read of the whole series, I found this one to be an awfully familiar and warming experience.

I still think that there are better Discworld novels out there, but not by very much. :) All in all, it's a fun read.

I can't quite tell whether I like Ogg or Weatherwax more. :) I never really connected with Magrat.

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