Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Krondor: The Betrayal (The Riftwar Legacy, #1)Krondor: The Betrayal by Raymond E. Feist
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I began this with a little trepidation. I mean, any book that starts referring to its video game companion but still firmly in the author's Riftwar bibliography could kinda go either way. Is this a game advert or is it more its own thing? Either way, the game was a hit in the nineties and may be rather hard to find nowadays. :)

What was I expecting? Well, after the last four-book epic taking place 50 years after the first Riftwar, full of its own troubles, I half-expected something pushing the timeline forward. Not backward. Not back to a young middle-aged Jimmy the Hand and barely gray Pug with Prince Arutha still in his prime.

But, hell, okay! Cool! Side-story time! Big side-story time with all my favorite characters back in their prime and a slew of new, weaker peeps finding their own way.

I am not disappointed. At all. I really loved the progression and the wealth of new-and-old worldbuilding. The drill-down. :) And it really can't go wrong when we dive into so many cool new elements.

Yes, the central story is actually written around the main plot of the game. It's a collaboration with the game-makers. But you know what? I have no problems with it. It is a great story. :)

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