Sunday, May 29, 2016

Lustlocked (Sin du Jour, #2)Lustlocked by Matt Wallace
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very lighthearted fun. I mean, what else can you expect from a humorous fantasy featuring the feast of a goblin wedding from an error-laden crew of fantasy chefs that just happen to set off a horribly unfortunate scene of a magical sexy-time?

The real treat is in the details, and there's plenty to love. Can you imagine that the goblins are actually the beautiful people? That the Goblin King is the very one we just recently lost, for real, and sadly? Not Prince. The other one. ; ; It put a slight damper on my enjoyment, understandably enough, but it was charming and appropriate.

Even the scary bits with blood and screaming was light-hearted. Or maybe that's just me. :)

The bonus story to the text pulled off what would otherwise be a hard-pressed adventure into the realms of magic and mahem, of discovering warriors and defeating armies... but in all actual fact, it was just the attempt to fill out the regimen of chefs and servers. It filled quite a bit of backstory for me, since I had not read the first book in the series.

I got this copy as a promotion, but even so it was quite fun and quite worth reading. I do rather wish I had read the first, but alas, no chance just now. On the bright side, I did just get the Netgalley arc for book 3, so onward and upward and let's see what kind of dish will make the princess cry or destroy the kingdom. :) These *are* rather delightful and fraught with peril. :)

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