Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thief of Time (Discworld, #26; Death, #5)Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Re-read: 1/29/25

Strangely enough, even after multiple readings, I find myself loving this novel more and more and more. Or is that more divided by two but the squared by 72, for the number of average heartbeats per minute?

Ah, never mind, I'm just gonna stand here and spin little flowers of time until somebody puts a broom back in my hand.

Truly, this one just one gets better with age. Or if not, age, because I'm stuck in an endless now, at least a function of one moment of age.

And with that, I eat a piece of chocolate. And not only a piece, but an endless panorama of Ankh Morporkian chocolates, of which I can absolutely taste through the page. And yes, a hint of the future Foul Old Ron, I believe, but so faint as to not drive away all my future readings.

Fully recommend, even for any new readers, especially if you want mysterious monks, personifications of high concepts, a little apocalypse, and a broom.

Re-read: 7/29/19

Cheese and Chaos, time and death, the grand auditors of the universe, and every kung-fu movie ever made.

Does this sum up this novel?

Yep, pretty much. :)

Some parts in the middle dragged a bit, but getting all the horsemen together and Ronnie sped it up a great deal. And is it just me, or do Ronnie and Gaspode need their own novels? An epic team-up, perhaps? Maybe it's just me. And, oh, the end this novel actually brought a tear to my eye. :)

Personal note:
If anyone reading my reviews might be interested in reading my own SF, I'm going to be open to DM requests. I think it's about time I get some eyes on them.

View all my reviews

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